*spend one-on-one time with each child
*have a good kitchen education
*kids involved in staging family night
A couple weeks ago I had a humble stroke of genius, my Stone:
*Let one child a week choose and assist in making treat for family home evening, rotate so everyone regularly gets an opportunity.
This stone first flew three weeks ago. Trevor chose Chocolate No-Bake Cookies. Last week Miriam chose Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies (from C is for Cooking). Kaith had been anxiously waiting for his week. When his Monday finally arrived, he spent the morning perusing cookbooks. I did not have to entertain him, and he wasn't whining! After musing aloud, "We could make ___" numerous times, he finally settled on Rainbow Sprinklers, which are a soft sugar cookie rolled in colored sugar. He was so proud to be making (or helping to make) such fancy cookies! I think we need to have the children rotate responsibilities on the lesson, now.
As you can see, Sterling enjoyed the forbidden contraband that his sister gave him.
Your doing great. Keep it up.
You have 2 very happy looking boys in the pictures.
I can't wait to see what Trevor chooses.
Thank you.
I don't know you, but I enjoyed visiting your blog! Great to see you hold family home evenings. Way to go!
I'm a huge FHE fan and have an FHE group on the new and safe LDS Ladies Room site at http://www.ourladiesroom.com/ if you want to check it out.
great idea!
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