I've been determined to master "early to bed, early to rise." I'm getting good at the early to rise, but struggle with early to bed. Well, we were out of milk, didn't have enough cheese for a Friday pizza, etc. I considered initiating my Albertsons online account, but you have to order by 10 pm the night before, and
today is payday. Quite proud of myself, I got out of bed while all were asleep, changed into exercise clothes ( a lady does
not go shopping in her pajamas), and pulled out of the drive way at 5:59. Traffic was nearly non existent. In 20 minutes I acquired 3 gallons of milk and 8 bags of groceries (most of what we need to enjoy the next two weeks). I was elated. With the children it's been taking about two miserable, humiliating hours. At the check-out stand, I noticed my keys were missing. Yes, I locked them in the van. At 6:33 am, instead of putting the groceries in the van to drive a few blocks home, I called my husband to explain why he might be late to work. He told me to avoid the appearance of homelessness and not push the shopping cart home (I would have returned it, really I would have), and offered to walk over with the children.
Puppy guarding my van and my groceries, I thought I'd look less silly if I stood there chatting on my self-one, I mean cell phone, so I called my mom. She thought she could get there sooner than my husband.
Cory was already getting the children dressed, and had gotten them excited to "save Mom!" The super heroes, especially Kaith, were not happy to find out that Grandma got to be the "cavalry" and they had to stay home and wait. Finally, a little after seven, I got home. Those twenty minute groceries took nearly two hours to put away, since I was then caring for children again.
The milk? They each ate about five bowls of cereal with milk, and weren't done until around ten.
What a great Mom you have!
Isn't shopping without children like a mini vacation? It's so nice to walk down the aisles and not be distracted by starving children that are denied food and toys while marching through the trenches. The only problem is getting out of the house by yourself at an unearthly hour.
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