Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Renaissance Baby

If he'd been born in the sixteenth century, he'd make a perfect Renaissance baby: can you imagine all the naked baby angels that would be painted in his image? I'm afraid the baby rolls won't last much longer. This guy can crawl all over the house, and, as you can see, is now pulling himself up to stand. I've been cleaning floors with religious zeal!


Debbie said...

He looks mightily pleased with himself. As well he should.

Stephen said...

Freedom to travel. Now he can join his siblings in getting into things. I'm sure he's happy about that.

Stephanie said...

Yes, I think he is. This morning I got him happily settled down with toys in the family room. I was in the middle of my shower when I heard the howling nearby. When I opened the door, he was laying on the hall floor, and had had his mouth near the under-door crack. How did he know I was in the bathroom?