They have a disease around here called elephantitis.
Would you still love me if I came home looking like an elephant?
The Other Side of Heaven
So, Momma called the On-Call Nurse late Saturday evening. That morning, Kaith had a small red mark on his cheek, perhaps a mosquito bite. As the day progressed, the redness increased, and his cheek began to swell. At bedtime, he could no longer open his right eye all the way. After he fell asleep, the swelling around his eye covered his eyelids, and his eyelashes jutted, not down but stark forward. The nurse said that, since he could breathe and didn't have a fever, we could wait until the Walk-In Clinics opened in the morning to get medical attention.
The doctor was 95% sure that Kaith was just reacting to some kind of bug bite. He prescribed steroids to bring the swelling down. The 5% uncertainty was that it could be a bacterial skin infection. Until he lab results tell us otherwise, we have to keep him away from the public and give him two kinds of antibiotics. Kaith was in tears about missing Church, and I'm in awe at the complexity of the dosage schedules. Plus I'm not sure how to get to our follow-up appointment while hauling all the children.
Incidentally, our camera has face-recognition software and red-eye correction. A couple posts ago, the camera recognized the book picture of Molly as a face, but today, we could not use the red-eye correction because the camera could not acknowledge Kaith's face!
Later, the tree which was a Woozle gave me imaginary medicine that he told me to take three hundred times a day. Yes, that was Kaith.
Ouch, ouch, ouch.
I love unidentifiable red bumps. So much possibility, so little clue.
Oh, and this is Aunt Keira
Poor baby. I wonder if it was the same mysterious bug that made Trevor's finger swell up.
Great picture. And I still recognize the face. Hope he's getting better.
Hi Stephanie! Cute blog, by the way.
I hope Kaith's eye gets better soon. And that it is just a bug bite. But that's no fun!
And the babysitting thing... I don't know what the going rate is. But $8 wouldn't surprise me...I don't think we've paid that much. I think most girls will just take what we give them. Someone posted a link to a website (in a comment) that you can enter in where you live and it will come up with a number of what you 'should' be paying.
I'm glad you all had fun at the ward campout. We'll have to get Kaden and Trevor together to play sometime!
The swelling is going down, thanks to the steroids.
Nicole, It would be great to get Trevor and Kaden together again. I've never seen Trevor so chummy with a non-family member. We'll probably be at whichever park is a week from Wednesday.
Connor had what we termed roving hives twice when we visited Keira! I think it had something to do with her ... wasn't she just in WA??? Suspicious to me!
Connor's hives would start on his right leg, then move to his stomach, then his left leg, then his neck and face ... you get the picture. By the time they got to his face we were at the Urgent Care getting an injection which really cheered him up!!!
This too will pass ... and happen again ...
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