Friday, December 11, 2009


Really, I didn't know they suspended kindergarteners. Leave it to Trevor to find a way. Last Friday he had a one day suspension from riding the bus because he was a repeat offender on spitting (a serious health concern, the school administration noted). Trevor doesn't know how to spit. It's more of a fine mist. And he's sent to time-out when he does it at home. His one day suspension from riding the bus was actually his best day at school: he brought home a behavior sheet with an unprecedented 8 smiley faces. I think he enjoyed having Dad drive him to school, even though Dad was lecturing half the way there.
I'm planning to move his bedtime up significantly, because he's really hard to wake up in the morning, and frequently falls asleep on the bus ride home. On days when he's especially difficult to wake up and we have to really push him to not miss the bus, he seems to have a rougher day at school. Like yesterday. He started by head-butting a friend. Trevor claims the friend thought it was fun-it was just that the teacher thought it was mean. If he had stopped there, he might have been okay. Of course he didn't. Next he kicked, spit upon, and licked another child. When he was reprimanded, he rolled on the floor laughing. While in time-out in the office, he stuck his tongue out at a teacher. I'm not clear which part of this series of events the school took most seriously, but they suspended him from school for today.
After being upset with Trevor, Cory suddenly saw the funny side. How is it Trevor, who is probably half a head shorter than the next shortest kid in class, and probably ten pounds lighter than his peers, ends up as the bully of the class?
Really, I'm renewing my efforts to domesticate my children. Evidence? Kaith has pulled a sticker-a-day in his behavior report (they only get a sticker if there is nothing to report for the day) and told me today how he was going to get a fifth. Now please ignore that my daughter cut her hair this morning for the umpteenth time.


Debbie said...

Maybe you ought to see how much a decent webcam costs - and we could figure out how to talk face to face with the might help with the whole domestication of feral children thing.

Rebekah said...

Stop leaving scissors around! For goodness sakes.

Stephanie said...

She is the only child of mine whose hair you haven't cut. Surely you have time to fly out before the wedding and patch-up her styling job.

Stephanie said...

We have a webcam, Mom. Do you have a webcam? We have a webcam.

Debbie said...

I'll bet we have a webcam...somewhere. I'll ask around.

Mad Runner said...

I'm sorry Steph. Your mom & I comment often on how Tylor and Trevor are twins. It will get better I promise.