Sterling has his own night time routine. We go into his room together and kneel beside his bed. I help him say his prayers (mostly him repeating my prompts). Then he climbs in bed. I sing "I Am a Child of God." Then he points and says "laundry room." The laundry room is visible from his room. He will calmly fall asleep in his own bed as long as I have not A: gone downstairs or B: entered my bedroom (ensue instant howling).
Sterling wanted to be near me the other day while I was wrapping presents in my bedroom. It was nap time. I put his pillow on a small area rug and told him it was a bed. I started wrapping presents. He laid down on it and babbled to himself. Then I started catching words "(l)ead me, (gu)ide me (w)alk (b)eside me . . ." and realized he was singing "I Am a Child of God" to himself!
That's sooo cute. I miss him.
That's the best.
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