Friday, July 11, 2008

Nephi's Courage

For Miriam's "personal" scripture study, we get out a big board book of Book of Mormon Stories. Instead of reading the story summaries provided, I sing a corresponding primary song. She almost always asks for the "Wabin [Laban] Song:" verse one of Nephi's Courage. I took a camera video of her this morning, but after two hours the computer was still downloading, so I canceled it. Maybe after we clear up our computer we can try again.


Debbie said...

Sounds like you need some tech support. Never having posted video myself, I don't think I'm the one to ask. Keira will be here on Monday - maybe she can help.

Stephanie said...

Great! I tried asking my in-house tech support. Turns out he can wipe a hard drive unassisted, but still doesn't know how to post a video. I think knocking down the resolution would help, but our editing software won't acknowledge videos, only still pictures.