5 hour drawing, 5 minute photograph. Guess which got the A.
If you guessed the 5 minute photograph, you're right! The 5 hour (give or take) drawing was another addition to my growing collection of Cs. Now, before you scoff at the photograph, please notice that I used exposure compensation to capture the "real" whiteness of the appliance and sugar, and that I thoughtfully used a 2/3-1/3 rule of proportion. My digital photography teacher was quite pleased. This almost beats my fridge magnet submission: an A-. Again, notice the thoughtful composition, as well as the subtle texture of the fridge.

Oh, why don't I want to be a photography major?!
You're becoming quite the applince photographer. What's next? The washer or dryer?
If it's any consolation I love your drawing.
I love your drawing too! Is he a relation?
Hi Stephanie
I stumbled across your blog on LDS BLOGS. I thought you might be interested in a site my wife and I just built called MormonsMadeSimple.com, which uses simple, explanatory videos to explain the Mormon faith. Feel free to feature any of these videos on your blog, or just share them with non-member friends. We're hoping these videos will be missionary tools to help members share their beliefs. Anyway, sorry to spam your comments section. I couldn't find any contact information for you on your blog.
- Doug & Laurel
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