Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kindergarten Began

I was determined to begin school on Monday morning, September 8, whether our supplies had arrived or not. I was approaching our final morning chore (making my bed) at 9:15 when a large brown UPS truck materialized out front, bringing 31 lbs. of treasures.
Our first week, we read Cinderella, sorted colors, made a cushion-boat like in a poem by Robert Louis Stevens (Trevor is holding a "poison green plum"), and skipped the first nine weeks of phonics (that that is all Kaith skipped is a tribute to the thoroughness of K12's PhonicsWorks program.


Keira said...

Looks like a fun morning of Kindy fun!

Debbie said...

That's right, smile for the camera...or as we have our kids say (instead of "cheese") Happy Childhood.

Our theory is that if they are always smiling in the pictures they must have had a happy what if we just took them on the Bataan death march? As long as they were smiling in the picture they must have enjoyed it.