Blessed art thou, Lehi, because of the things which thou hast done . . .1 Nephi 2:1
I'm going to take a time-out from maternal obligations and stories to sing the praises of my seldom photographed husband. Of course I love him because he has his priorities straight, because he has integrity with the same standards in his long hours at work and school as in his few hours at home, because of his diligence which gives us the momentum to keep reading almost-daily from Jesus the Christ, to keep pushing through school until it's done, how he easily calms me when I'm under stress, under other traits and habits. That said, I imagine he would rather be praised by the things which he has done. So, let's see . . . his most recent domestic achievement was installing two four-foot wide shelves
above the children's reach in our office, to hold our forty-one pounds of school supplies
(yes, we got a ten-pound shipment of Teacher's Guides today. Still backordered on the handwriting workbook). Last Monday, knowing I had not finished my homework that was due that evening, he came home early and took over childnurturing and dinner so I could catch up. Oh, and he brought home a bouquet of pink campanulas. For this module, not only did he pose for my figure drawing (okay, I drew from a photo), but on Saturday, hearing that I wanted to submit my figure drawing homework that afternoon, instead of today, he piled the children in the car and took off until I was done, which took three hours. After putting the kids to bed last night, we stayed up reading to each other and laughing over
Little Women (I had no idea how funny it was last time I read it, about a decade ago, and it's so much more fun to read with someone who laughs at the right place).
I never did take a picture of the base cupboard and countertop he so painstakingly and perfectly installed in June, but he did that, and before Spring Quarter was over, too. This week officially begins his Senior year studying Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering at UW, taking 16
(?) credits and working 25 hours a week. Of course he's incredible, but extra prayers would be appreciated, too.
I will take it as a given that the figure drawing of your husband was WITH clothes on...
Good job on the shelves, Cory! I could use a couple more shelves for Daniel's school supplies. I'm not hinting though - your workload looks to be staggering. Literally.
Dear Cory and Stephanie,
Keep up the fantastic work. Some people are truly blessed to love the life they have. From all I read it seems you two have that blessing. It is wonderful that you have each other and your four great kids to enjoy. Bless you all.
ps have you seen Oscar Wilde's play "An Ideal Husband"...great fun.
Yes, I think we have seen that.
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