Kaith's glasses came in Tuesday. I took him after school to get them fitted. With such a strong prescription, I was expecting a clever comment about how things looked different. He wouldn't even answer questions about how things looked. He was much too busy wrinkling his nose, over and over again.
We drove home. Getting out of the van, he stared at our lawn, then exclaimed "The grass looks a little like pasta with these on!"
All concerns about a difficult few weeks of training him to keep his glasses on has vanished. He put them on first thing this morning, before getting dressed. He doesn't take them off until he goes to bed. It may help that I've been playing up the awesome similarities between himself and Harry Potter: glasses with black frames, yes indeed.
He was so in Harry Potter mode yesterday after school that, after making a k'nex wand, he found book 1 and made a valiant attempt at sounding out the first few pages. He can do it, but it's a huge exercise for him. Here he is photographed with the glasses, wand and Harry Potter book, reading in the kitchen.