I haven't seen Kaith much today. I've seen a knight, Darth Vader (tragically unable to find his mysterious black gloves) and Buzz Lightyear . . . all before lunch! It's Halloween every day for this child. So, what did he want for Christmas? The costume of the Evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance. That was his only Christmas wish for a month. Since that costume is no longer being produced, it is only available through resale. $60 on e-bay? I don't think so. We had a little talk about availability and Daddy Santa's budget. With a little prompting, he came up with a new wish for Christmas: a Storm Trooper costume (like what cousin Gavin looked so snazzy in on Halloween). I had tried to redirect him to a good guy, like C-3PO (Cory quickly exclaimed, "C-3POs a wimp!" in Kaith's hearing). Kaith said, no, he would rather be a Storm Trooper, because they're more evil.
I worry about that child.
Anyway, as he parades through the house in power black, a nice new storm trooper costume is hidden in Mom and Dad's bedroom--along with a child-sized light saber, purple, like Mace What's-his-name, and two Star Wars early readers, level one (yes, my idea).
C-3POs is a wimp. What's the opposite of a wimp. Perhaps someone with courage. Maybe you could convince him he wants to be courageous. A storm trooper is courageous and so are a lot of good people.
You need a Darth Vadar Santa hat. Then he would truly look seasonal.
Oh, we've seen Darth Santa around, too. Helmet plus red hat . . . yes, Kaith's thought of that.
Maybe you need to head him in a more "fantasy" direction. Aslan (lion) - he' good, even though he's not a tame lion - since the bad "guy" in the Lion, the Witch ad the Wardrobe is a girl, he might not want to go there.
Gandalf - powerful wizard...he's no sissy. But be careful there, there's lots of bad guys that might appeal to him.
Or you could go religious:
Ammon - just don't give Kaith a sword.
David - again, don't give him a slingshot.
This to shall pass. Connor & Tylor both went through phases where all they wanted to be were the bad guys. Now they are into Rock Band and Artemis Fowle (evil genius 12 yr old with a heart of gold)
I would only start to be concerned if they start planning family vacations around the Intergalactic Bad Guy Conferences....yikes!
Oh Stephanie... your posts always leave me laughing so hard! Kaith is such a sweetie and though he may have a "evil" side that he likes to portray every now and then, he's also normally the first nephew to come up and give me a hug. =)
Are the other kids into dress-up as well? It could be very interesting if
they all are not "themselves". Whatever they are I am sure they are adorable!
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