Friday, August 28, 2009

An Officer's Wife

I've been waiting to post until we found our camera again, but it hasn't shown up, so I may be posting without photos for a while.

Yesterday Cory was officially commissioned as an officer (with the rate of an Ensign). We took all the children, clean and dressed-up, to the ceremony. Afterward, we hung around Seattle for lunch (in the Center House) and playing in the fountain.

We returned to Hometown in time to submit Trevor's kindergarten registration. This year they have two full-time kindergartens and two part-time. They will be drawing names today. We should get a phone call today or Monday if Trevor is a "chosen one" for full-day kindergarten. I'm hoping for it, because it would save us an extra trip to the school.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Pending Inspection

Our house has sold, basically. We got a second offer this week, asking for lower plus full closing costs. We counter-offered so we would pay closing costs, but the sell price would help us almost break even. He countered offered again . . . aiming to leave us $3 grand in the hole. So much for our investment, but we suspected as much when we listed the house. We all slept on it. Our realtor called his realtor and they volunteered to each take $1000 off of their commissions. That way we don't have to pay more than a monthly mortgage would be anyway to clear out. As long as the buyer isn't stingy over the inspection, we close September 10th, right before Cory starts Officer Development School (boot camp). Our new house should be done around November or December.